Monday, August 25, 2008

"remember when..."

Beloved students,
Promise you'll "remember when..." and have times you'll always "look forward to...".
Have a daily conversation with your heart and soul. Take wonderful care... of “you”.
In the course of time, you will be reminded that hard work gets good results and that keeping healthy is essential. Know when to work your mind and let your body relax, and know when doing just the opposite makes the most sense. Being able to handle whatever life brings your way is not a matter of coincidence.
In time, your guiding lights will take you where you want to go. In time, the days that now seem so difficult will be more gentle. They'll be more forgiving... more understanding... more comforting and calm.
You desire serenity, and serenity will come. You dream of leaving hard times behind, and your belief will find itself justified.
As you move ahead, don't be afraid to do what you once thought impossible, even if others don't think you'll succeed.
Remember that history is filled with the incredible accomplishments of those who were foolish enough... to BELIEVE!
-Mr.C & Ms.E

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Jemputan khas - "Karma - The Musical"

Event : Festival Kesenian Kanak-Kanak & Remaja, Pulau Pinang 2008
Venue : Auditorium P.Ramlee, Penang, Malaysia
Time : Event begins at 2:00PM onwards
Date : 14th August 2008
Ladies & Gentlemen…

Welcome to the world of karma; a world destined by men’s past actions, resulting in their own fate.

Karma; a satire of two women; “Lady Keembong”, the wealthy, self-centered & arrogant, ill-treating “Melati”, the poor, humble & down-trodden.

One must never be too steadfast about what fate observes. As the wheel of life rotates, what goes around, comes around . . . KARMA .

Tuan-tuan & Puan-puan…

Selamat datang ke sebuah dunia yang dipercayai dipenuhi dengan karma. Sebuah dunia di mana perlakuan silam manusia itu sebenarnya adalah penyebab kepada balasan takdir yang bakal diterima.

Karma; sebuah satira dua wanita, “Lady Keembong”, seorang yang kaya-raya, pentingkan diri & bongkak, sentiasa menindas “Melati” yang miskin, rendah diri & teraniaya.

Manusia tidak seharusnya terlalu angkuh & yakin dengan menganggap bahawa apa yang mereka ada sebenarnya sudah ditakdirkan begitu. Apabila roda-roda kehidupan berputar, perbuatan manusia akan kembali menghantui diri . . . KARMA.

Welcome to the show.

Love, Laugh, LiveLive & Play,

Friday, August 8, 2008

Jemputan Khas - "Jangan Sakitiku Lagi, tolonglah "- Teater Abstrak

The abstract theatre
Event : Festival Kesenian Kanak-Kanak & Remaja, Pulau Pinang 2008
Venue : Auditorium P.Ramlee, Penang, Malaysia
Time : Event begins at 2:00PM onwards
Date : 14th August 2008

"The problem facing abstract theatre, then, is that you can't just have actors declaim nonsense and manipulate styrofoam because (a) this is obviously not real-world behavior and (b) there is no apparent way to otherwise decode such random behavior on the fly. Absent a long tradition of styrofoam manipulation, this sort of thing can never be theatrical. It may (or, in this case, may not) be possible to read this sort of thing as dance, but it can never become behavior which, I am arguing, is the fundamental constituent unit of theatre. From which it follows that abstract theatre can only be rendered from abstract (or, to be more accurate, non-representational yet seemingly "meaningful") behavior."
- Jeffrey M. Jones
What is abstract thetre?
-2 years ago by -Poison Ivy

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
Abstract theatre based on improvising (like in the movie “She’s All That”). Everything in the abstract theatre is metaphorical and usually undefined, left for interpretation by the audience. Everyone has their own view of what a production or improvisation actually meant. Abstract theatre is always on the edge. It can push boundaries, experiment with the extreme, find new ways of doing things, evoke strange and different reactions.
-2 years ago by -mara
Other Answers (1)
by pullmyfi...
I think it is an abstract performance that consists of a series of different phases where the movement artists respond to the music, the musicians respond to the visuals and the visuals respond to it all to meld the performance into a whole. Everyone involved will be improvising and interacting with one another like a conversation but there’ll be no dialogue.Is that correct?
-2 years ago by -pullmyfi..

This is GREAT, We will try to perform our 1st Draft of The Abstarct Theatre tis Thursday at P.Ramlee auditorium at 2:00PM.

Sketch Tittle: "Don't Hurt me anymore, please" (Jangan Sakiti ku lagi, Tolonglah) [preview & synopsis]
Time: 2:00PM
Venue: P.Ramlee Auditorium
Event: Festival Theatre event for Teenage & Children, Penang State Level, Malaysia
Date: 14th August 2008

Synopsis & Messege
-Dimensi yang membutakan mata
-Yellow Culture
-Devil Advocate
-Laskar Cinta (The warrior of Love)
-Culture & Arts that faded away
-Alhamdulillah (Thank God)
-Don't hurt me anymore, please.. (Jangan Sakiti ku lagi..Tolonglah)
-What Shall we do?

See you there!

All the BEST!

Love, Laugh, LiveLife & Play

Thursday, August 7, 2008

There is a path...

There is a path...

There is a path that will take you exactly where you want to go.
That path is there, in everyone’s life, but too often goes undiscovered. It can get overgrown with distractions and can become hard to find if our time is spent on too many other things.
Don’t be one of those who forgets about its existence.

Even though the road will never appear on any map, you will find your way there.
Your inner strength, your instincts, and your growing understanding will walk along beside you. As your grey days disappear in the distance, each new joy will leave behind an old sorrow, and, at the close of each new day, every lesson learned and each question answered will take you to the beginning of a brighter tomorrow. There is a path...
-Mr.C & Ms.E


There is a path...



Friday, August 1, 2008

The Minack Theatre - This is BEAUTIFUL!

The Greatest!Observation & Witnesing the Play: Twelfth Night, The Minack Theatre - Porth Curno, Cornwall.
This is beautiful!
We WISH to put up an english play with the classical Malaysian style - The musical play. One day...
We WISH, We Hope, We want to do it and yes, We will do it!
We believe in the beauty of our beautiful dreams since 1997 and it will never fade away.
Yes, we truly agree with this;
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"- Eleanor Roosevelt.